Martinis and Marigolds - Refreshingly Quick Tips for Home and Garden

Orchids 101

Orchids 101


It's so dreary here in PA. I thought it might be a good time to share my insights from a few years ago when I decided to teach myself about orchids. So if you've got a case of the winter blahs maybe it's time for you to jump in and try growing orchids yourself.

And if you already have orchids, maybe treat yourself to a new one.

Read on to find out more about growing Orchids!

Posted in beginner gardener, flowers, indoor gardening, indoor plants, low maintenance gardening, orchid, orchids

5 Pet Friendly Houseplants

5 Pet Friendly Houseplants


A while back I wrote an article about 5 easy to care for houseplants that also clean the air. If you missed it, you can check it out here. One of our readers posed a great question. She asked whether any of these were toxic to pets. Unfortunately all except the spider plant were. 

So she got me thinking that since so many of us have pets, it might be good to find some plants that we could grow indoors and that wouldn't be toxic to our furry friends. 

Read on to find our more about 5 Houseplants that are considered safe for dogs and cats

Posted in houseplants, indoor gardening, indoor plants, pet-friendly

Splendid Succulents

Splendid Succulents

NOTE FROM DONNA - My garden bed has been put to sleep for the winter. I'm looking to add to my indoor garden but want something easy to care for, especially during the busy holidays.

Read on to find out how one of our resident bloggers Paula Marolewski uses succulents to add some green to her home without a lot of work.

Posted in indoor gardening, succulents

Growing Herbs Indoors Made Easy

Growing Herbs Indoors Made Easy

I see lots of people in gardening groups just itching to plant even though it's still cold outside where they live. Houseplants are great but some of us are looking for more. However,  I found a way to add to my indoor gardening and have delicious herbs to use in my cooking.

Read on to find out how to grow herbs (and other plants) indoors quickly and easily.

Posted in beginner gardener, herb, herb gardening, herbs, indoor gardening, indoor plants, low maintenance gardening, vegetable gardening for beginners

Orchids Revisited

Orchids Revisited

Even though our winter here in PA has been pretty mild this year, its been dreary and rainy for the last few weeks. 

Last year around this time, I really got the 'orchid bug' and decided to get one for my office.

if you've got a case of the winter blahs maybe it's time for you to jump in and try growing them yourself.

Read on for my insights on how to choose and grow orchids successfully.

Posted in houseplants, indoor gardening, indoor plants, orchids

Orchids 101

Orchids 101

Another winter storm this past weekend has me cursing that groundhog at the other end of my state. Funny Facebook memes about him help but I am really yearning for spring. The Philadelphia Flower Show is in full swing but I didn't have time to go this year. (Luckily there's a home and garden show close by my house this weekend.) 

When I think of the Flower Show, I automatically think of Orchids

Orchids are always something I have admired but have been afraid to try. So I decided to d a little research and see if I could grow them. I mean, after all, there are literally thousands of different varieties. There's got to be one that's right for me.

Read on to find out about the easiest orchids for a beginner to grow and how to get started.

Posted in houseplants, indoor gardening, orchid, orchids